Legal mentions

Owner of the website:

Société Développement Touristique Souss Massa S.A « SDR » with a capital of 21.500.000,00 Dh.
Adress: Imm Dar Al Mouhami II, 2ème étage N°A208 – Haut Founty, Agadir – Maroc
TP: 55001054 | RC: 39225 | IF: 31892812 | ICE: 002197995000093

Website design and development: Agence Digitz

1- Intellectual property rights

Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or commercialisation, in part or in full, by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) is prohibited without the prior written authorisation of the “SDR”.

2- Information relating to products and services

The information and illustrations appearing on the pages of this website are based on the current technical characteristics at the time of going online or updating the various pages of the website. As part of a policy of constant product improvement, the “SDR” may modify the technical and technological characteristics of its products and services at any time.
In any event, the information contained on this site is of a general nature and has no contractual value.

3- Protection of personal data

You may consult the site without revealing your identity or any other personal information.
You have the right to access and rectify any personal information that you may communicate to us, in accordance with Moroccan law.
We need to collect this information in order to respond to your requests for information or to make an appointment, and to send you an electronic newsletter if necessary.
Please note that in order to offer you products and services that are increasingly tailored to your needs, certain non-personal information relating to your activity on this site will be automatically collected.

4- Hypertext links

Under no circumstances may the “SDR” be held responsible for the content, products or services offered on sites to which the site may be linked by hypertext links or any other type of link.
The site contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites, set up with the authorisation of the “SDR”.
However, the “SDR” does not have the possibility of checking the content of the sites visited in this way, and consequently accepts no liability in this respect.

5- Applicable law

The website and these general conditions are subject to Moroccan law and are written in French.

6- Limitation of liability

You use the site under your sole and entire responsibility. The “SDR” and the members of its network may not be held liable for direct or indirect damage, such as, in particular, material loss, loss of data or programmes, or financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or sites linked to it.
You must therefore ensure that the law of the country from which you are connecting authorises consultation of the site.

7- Updates

The “SDR” reserves the right to modify and update, without prior notice, these General Conditions and all the elements, products or services presented on the site.
All of these modifications are binding on Internet users, who must consult these General Conditions each time they connect.
The website may not be held liable for any material damage arising from use of the site. Furthermore, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent, virus-free equipment and with an up-to-date, latest-generation browser.
The site is intended for the information and communication of products and services to Internet users. Access to and use of this site are subject to these “general terms and conditions” detailed below and to the applicable laws. Connection and access to the site implies full and unreserved acceptance by the Internet user of all the provisions of these general conditions.